e-Invoicing will be mandatory for all businesses soon! Is your business ready for e-invoicing? 

Odoo Inventory App

Inventory.    Insightful. Ideal.

Odoo Inventory app automates & streamlines your inventory management in wholesale distribution process

See it in action 

Odoo Inventory app

Odoo Inventory App Streamlines Wholesale Inventory Management

Odoo checks all product details.

Easily create and view products with a comprehensive Kanban view

Odoo keep track of the stock movement.

Trace, track, and view overall stock availability and movements at a glance with the Odoo Inventory app

Odoo replenishes stock to optimal level.

Keep stock at an optimum level with an automated replenishment strategy (Min-max rules & Make-to-order)

Odoo multiple warehouse management

Reliable Warehouse Operation Control

Multi Warehouse Management 

  • Effectively manage multiple warehouses under a single platform.

  • Define specific shipping rules for incoming and outgoing shipments for each warehouse.

  • Allows internal transfer from one warehouse to another for any resupply operations needed.

See how Odoo Inventory app works for wholesalers & distributors

Odoo perpetual inventory valuation

Better Decisions with Real-time Valuation

Perpetual Inventory Valuation

  • Accurately identify stock value at the end of each accounting period with real-time, automated valuation.

  • Supports Standard Price, FIFO, and Average costing methods.

See how Odoo Inventory app works for wholesalers & distributors

Odoo multiple units of measure

Smart & Automated UoM Conversion

Multiple Units of Measure

  • Easily set specific UoMs to each product and for different operations (storing or purchasing).

  • Conversions of UoM are calculated automatically to avoid human errors.

See how Odoo Inventory app works for wholesalers & distributors

Odoo forecasted inventory level

Strategic Inventory Planning

Forecasted Inventory Level

  • Generate daily, weekly, or monthly forecasted inventory reports in graph or grid views.

  • Forecast the stock quantity needed to fulfill customers' orders in one glance.

  • Effectively keep stock level at optimum to prevent stockout and overstock issues.

See how Odoo Inventory app works for wholesalers & distributors

Additional Features of Odoo Inventory App

Other features from the Odoo Inventory app wholesalers & distributors might be looking for

Order-Specific Routes

Manage the product routes from receipt to storage, and to shipping.

Barcode & Serial Number

Scan the stocks for receipt and delivery verification.

Expiring Date

Sell the stock nearest to the expiring date to prevent wastage.

Reordering Rules

Trigger procurement with the quantity required to reach the maximum stock level.

Put-away Rules

Direct the arrival stocks to the appropriate location for storage.

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