e-Invoicing will be mandatory for all businesses soon! Is your business ready for e-invoicing? 

Odoo MRP App

MRP. Masterful. Manageable.

Odoo MRP app innovates your manufacturing operations

See it in action 

Odoo Manufacturing app

Odoo MRP App Ensures Manufacturing Productivity

Odoo create MO automatically

Automatically create MO based on forecasted demand with the master production schedule

Odoo schedules and plans work orders.

Plan ahead of the production with visibility on scheduled work orders, work center capacity, etc.

Odoo performs barcode scanning to store information.

Perform barcode scanning after production to store necessary information in the system

Odoo work center dashboard

Simple & Direct Manufacturing Overview

Work Center Dashboard

  • Gain real-time insights on work center status, in-progress work orders, and OEE percentage, all in a single view.

  • Plan and review work orders easily with just a few clicks away.

See how Odoo MRP app works

Odoo work center control panel

Effective Shop Floor Management & Control

Work Center Control Panel

  • Define, attach, and access manufacturing instructions easily to ensure an efficient production process.

  • Record scrap products, add components, request maintenance, or trigger quality alert on the spot.

See how Odoo MRP app works

Odoo work order planning and scheduling

Smooth Production Workflow

Work Order Planning & Scheduling

  • Organize and schedule work orders strategically with an overall view of work order timeline by every work center.

  • Smart rescheduling automatically updates any work order to the first free slot if two work orders were to be planned on the same work center.

See how Odoo MRP app works

Odoo multiple and alternative work center

Boost Efficiency with Work Center Flexibility

Multiple & Alternative Work Centers

  • Manufacture several products with different work centers simultaneously for full operational efficiency.

  • Assign work orders and maintenance accordingly based on the availability of work centers.

See how Odoo MRP app works

Odoo master production schedule.

Better Output Control with Demand Forecasting

Master Production Schedule

  • Plan production accordingly with a quick overview of the actual and forecasted stock demand.

  • Define safety stock targets and minimum/maximum quantities to trigger replenishment.

  • Easily compute the quantity to be auto-replenished when replenishment action is triggered.

See how Odoo MRP app works

Additional Features of Odoo MRP App

Other features from the Odoo MRP app you might be looking for


Create and send a purchase order along with the raw materials to subcontractors to produce finished products.

Work Order Details

Access the current stages, components required, time taken, finished steps, and work instructions.

Unbuild Order

Record any unbuild orders derived from manufactured or purchased products.

Manufacturing Security Lead Time

Auto-schedule manufacturing orders earlier to prevent any delay.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Automatically compute based on actual and planned production time, performance, and quality.

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