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Global Offices

& Teams 

with Odoo

Markant Malaysia is implementing Odoo ERP system.

Markant: A Global Ambassador of Office Dynamic Working 

Markant is a leading European manufacturer of quality office furniture and ergonomic accessories. To keep office workers active and healthy, Markant inspired many to create dynamic workplaces that get people moving while working.

Even though Markant is based in Europe with a lot of Odoo ERP system providers in the country, Markant still decided to establish a partnership with Onnet. With that partnership, Onnet has aided Markant in its Odoo ERP system implementation through consultation, customization, training, and support.

Jereon Jansen
COO of Markant Office, Netherland


"Our experience with the team has been a very pleasant one!"

Not only are they technically skillful and professional, they also think of practical solutions, either custom-made or in the market standard.

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Odoo ERP Implementation Journey of Markant

Unique ERP solutions specifically for Markant by Onnet Consulting

Poor Collaboration Between Teams Across The Globe

Communication and collaboration between Markant's global teams have always been troublesome, especially in gathering real-time data.

Migrating Markant to a fully integrated cloud-based ERP system has allowed for seamless data communication between global offices. Across-the-globe operations are also automated for better collaboration. For instance, sales confirmation from Netherlands and Australia will automatically trigger the Malaysia factory to generate a MO for production. 

Markant's team is having discussion in meeting room.

Creating BOMs Manually Causes Frequent Human Errors

Markant was creating BOMs manually before implementing Odoo, causing frequent human errors like input mistakes, which lead to inefficiency.

With Odoo's automation capabilities, Markant can have BoMs automatically created with the right info every time a new product variant is configured in the system. The sales-to-production flow is now more seamless, preventing Markant from any production delays due to avoidable human errors.

Markant's leader is providing training to new comers in office.

Inaccurate Stock Demand Forecasting

Markant's stock demand planning and decision-making were often inaccurate due to poor forecasting.

Understanding Markant's complex replenishment rules, Onnet Consulting has further enhanced Odoo's inventory replenishment reports for Markant. The purchasing team can now make smarter decisions with better demand forecasting and planning, allowing Markant to meet customer demands consistently.

Markant's team is looking at business analytics to forecast business finance.

Limited Flexibility To Cater To High Products Variations

Markant can only offer a few product variant options to customers due to the complexity of custom products.

In order to satisfy customer expectations as much as possible, Markant uses Odoo's product configurator to offer more product variant options to customers. Sales teams are given more flexibility to configure unique products per customers' requests while creating sales orders.

Markant's team is following up with customers through their mobile phone.

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